Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS)


Blackboard Learn is an interactive online tool for posting course-related materials, managing student assignments and grades, and facilitating interactions between students and instructors. In addition to Blackboard courses, Blackboard organizations can be used to share non-course-related content, such as announcements, online orientations, and trainings, with any participant with an OHIO account.


Who can access

  • Academic courses: Blackboard courses are created automatically 8 weeks prior to the course’s start date based on the information in the student information system.

    • Instructors of record can access their course(s), add and delete content, and make the course available to students.

    • Students of record can access the course if:

      • the instructor has made it available to them, AND

      • the course start date is no more than 2 weeks in the future.

  • Organizations: Full-time faculty and staff can request an organization following the directions below.

How to request access

  • To request the creation of a Blackboard organization, full time faculty and staff may contact the IT Service Desk with the desired name for the organization.

    • The requester will be made the leader of the organization and will be responsible for creating and maintaining the organization’s membership and content.

    • If you would like to add non-OHIO users to your organization, you must first request the creation of a guest account for each user you plan to add.


Instructors & Organizational Leaders

  • Organize articles, documents, videos, and other media files for your course or organization.

  • Create tests and assignments in one central location.

  • Post, submit, grade, and provide feedback for assessments and assignments.

  • Communicate with students/participants via announcements, discussion boards, wikis, and groups.

  • Detect plagiarism automatically using SafeAssign.

  • Review reports to see what students/participants are accessing.

  • Use the Blackboard Instructor mobile app(opens in a new window) to view content, grade assignments, and communicate with students.

Students & Participants

  • Access content for your course or organization.

  • Keep track of assignments and due dates.

  • Take tests and submit assignments in one central location.

  • Review assignment feedback and grades.

  • Use the Blackboard App(opens in a new window) to view courses, participate in discussions, and interact with your instructor.

Connect with other applications

Additional resources

Join the Teaching and Learning Technologies Advisory Community

The Teaching and Learning Technologies Advisory Community is open to OHIO students, faculty, and staff who have an interest in teaching and learning technologies.

Service support

Get help

  • Visit the Technology Help Center ( to get live support, view outages, and browse trainings.


Visit the following Blackboard support pages for information about accessibility features available in Blackboard Learn:

Ohio University strives to make its digital resources and services accessible to all visitors, including those with disabilities who may also be using assistive technology. If special steps are necessary in order to improve the accessibility of experiences for end users, those steps must be taken. 
If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access OHIO websites, videos, online forums, documents, or other information technology, please let us know

For further information about OHIO's digital accessibility resources, see:


The Ohio University Information Security Office strives to educate and empower the University community to appropriately manage risks and protect OHIO’s information and systems. This effort is facilitated through policies, standards, an information security risk management program, as well as other tools and guidance that are provided to the University community. This modern approach creates a safe computing environment in which the university community can teach, learn, and conduct research. 

For additional information about OHIO’s security resources, see:

Create Ticket

Related Articles (2)

Find help and resources on getting started and troubleshooting in Blackboard Original.
General troubleshooting steps to solve many functionality issues in Blackboard Original.


Service ID: 35
Fri 3/5/21 3:28 PM
Tue 11/28/23 8:55 AM