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Asian Studies Undergraduate Certificate

Beijing China study abroad photo from July 5, 2014. Photo competition winner.

The Asian Studies Certificate is open to students from any major.  The certificate is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of Asia, which is comprised of vital regions that stand at the forefront of dynamic changes in global politics and the world economy. The Asian Studies Certificate critically examines these trends as well as the rich cultures, traditions, and societies of Asia.  The curriculum involves courses from four university colleges and many disciplines, and it includes multiple opportunities for study abroad.  The interdisciplinary coursework and language skills of the Asian Studies Certificate are applicable to a wide variety of professions. 

Required Coursework

The Asian studies certificate program requires students maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher in certificate courses.  For a complete list of program requirements, please view the course catalog.

Apply Now

You can apply to add the Asian Studies Certificate online. If you have questions about the program, please contact one of our faculty members.

Dr. Catherine Cutcher
Assistant Director
Global Studies Programs
Center for International Studies
Yamada International House 106
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701
(740) 597-2756

Dr. Takaaki Suzuki
Director of Asian Studies Program
Professor of Political Science
Bentley Annex 231

Dr. Joshua Hill
Asian Studies Undergraduate Advisor
Associate Professor of Chinese History
Bentley Annex 413