

newbb电子平台 is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all members of our campus community. In light of various diseases and viruses that can affect our campus, we have established policies and guidelines to ensure the well-being of our students and staff. 这些政策包括应对流感等疾病, 细菌性脑膜炎, 和冠状病毒(COVID-19), 以及一般的安全和安保措施.

除了这些与健康有关的政策, 我们也强调校园的总体安全. From safeguarding your residence to reporting pest issues and maintaining proper identification, these guidelines aim to create a secure living and learning environment for all.

We urge all members of the newbb电子平台 community to familiarize themselves with these policies and follow them diligently to ensure the safety and well-being of themselves and their fellow students and staff. Together, we can maintain a healthy and secure campus environment.



The influenza virus spreads from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with the virus. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something – such as a surface or object – with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.

If you think you have the flu, visit 校园保健 in Hudson Hall for assessment and treatment. 你应该呆在你的房间里, 远离课堂, 远离你的朋友, until your temperature is normal for 24 hours without the use of medication.

Severe cases requiring immediate medical attention would show the following symptoms:

  • 呼吸困难或呼吸短促
  • 胸部或腹部疼痛或压力大
  • 突然头晕或近乎昏厥
  • 昏倒的昏倒或失去知觉的
  • 混乱
  • 严重或持续呕吐
  • 症状有所改善,但随后又出现发烧, 窦压升高, 或咳嗽加重或呼吸急促


细菌性脑膜炎是一种急性细菌性疾病. Signs and symptoms of Bacterial 脑膜炎 are sudden onset of fever, 剧烈的头痛, 恶心想吐, 有时还会呕吐, 脖子僵硬, 对光的敏感度, and may also involve a rash that begins as clusters of small pricks and develops into purple bruising.

而对这种疾病的易感性很低, 细菌性脑膜炎 can progress rapidly and have very serious and sometimes tragic health consequences. 如果你有这些症状, please go to 校园保健 immediately or call 911 for an ambulance to transport you to the emergency room.

For information regarding vaccinations, contact 校园保健 at Hudson Health Center at 740.593.1660.


导致COVID-19的病毒在人与人之间传播, mainly through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, 打喷嚏, 或谈判. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Spread is more likely when people are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet.)

newbb电子平台 requires that students who reside in on-campus housing disclose whether they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to residing on-campus. Students are not required to have been vaccinated, nor receive the booster at this time for COVID-19. 学生必须说明他们是否接种了疫苗, 如果他们有, 接种疫苗的时间和类型.

Individuals with COVID-19 frequently do not exhibit any symptoms but students must monitor themselves for the following:

  • 发烧或发冷
  • 咳嗽
  • 呼吸短促或呼吸困难
  • 乏力
  • 肌肉或身体疼痛
  • 头疼
  • 味觉或嗅觉丧失•喉咙痛
  • 鼻塞或流鼻涕
  • 恶心或呕吐
  • 腹泻

接触病毒后2-14天可能出现症状. 更多信息可在 疾病预防控制中心网站.

Housing does not provide designated isolation or quarantine spaces on campus. We strongly encourage students to return home to their permanent address to isolate. Although, students should return home to isolate, we recognize that this may not be possible. Therefore, students who test positive may remain on campus in their residence hall room.


To prevent widespread pest issues, do not attempt to eradicate the issues on your own. 报告虫害问题至

通过环境健康和安全 EHS有害生物报告表格 或致电740.593.1666. 此外,将虫害问题通知您的建筑RD/GRD/ARD. 防止害虫,包括蚂蚁、黄蜂、臭虫等., keep food stored in airtight containers and remove trash regularly.



The newbb电子平台警察局 is a police agency tasked with serving the newbb电子平台 community. 他们是校园突发事件的主要联系人. Program your cell phone speed dial to access the newbb电子平台警察局 at 740.593.1911. If your cell phone does not identify an “ICE” (In Case of Emergency) phone number, 请花点时间把这个号码输入你的手机.


The following will ensure the safety and security of yourself and your residence hall community:

  • 随身携带钥匙,锁好房间. Many thefts on campus are crimes of opportunity where items are left unattended and unsecured.
  • Never let someone into a residence hall if they do not have a key or do not live there.
  • 支撑开着的外部门同样危险, and many doors are equipped with alarms to prevent them from being propped. It is okay to deny someone entry into your hall if a fellow resident does not escort them.
  • 不要把你的房间钥匙借给别人.
  • 不要乱动门上的锁装置.g.,锁上胶带,门框上磁铁).
  • Report lost or stolen key/ student ID immediately to in-hall staff, 生活学习中心, 和/或OUPD.
  • If the lock on your door is broken, call Facilities Management at 740.593.2911.
  • All students who own a bike are encouraged to register the bike with OUPD. 这是有用的,特别是在盗窃的情况下.
  • 当你在房间里的时候,把门锁上, particularly when you’re not able to observe someone entering through an unlocked door such as when you take a nap or are sleeping at night.
  • In suites, work with your suitemate to ensure that they, too, follow a reasonable security routine.
  • To thwart identity thieves who may pick through your trash or piles of unread mail stacked in a corner, 总是分解, 或者撕毁带有个人信息的物品.
  • Record the serial numbers on your valuable items and have valuables engraved with identifying information (e.g.(如电脑、自行车). 如果物品被盗,这有助于归还.
  • All 俄亥俄州 students and employees are required to carry their identification. It is your right to identify who may be requesting access to your room, and for what reason. 如果他们拒绝出示身份证, 注意他们的身体特征和衣着, 并立即拨打OUPD或911.
  • 帮助你的朋友! Be a good neighbor and immediately call OUPD if you observe suspicious persons or activity.