
Within the Community

Within the Community

As an on-campus resident, 你是一个更大的社区的组成部分,超出了你被分配的房间和大厅的范围. Your daily life intertwines with that of your fellow residents, and their actions can significantly impact you, just as yours can affect them. 最重要的是要对你的行为保持认真的态度,并充分了解在我们的社区里什么是允许的,什么是不允许的.

In the following sections, 我们概述了指导我们共同生活环境的具体社区政策. These policies are designed to promote safety, 尊重, 确保我们的生活空间有利于个人成长和学业成功. Please familiarize yourself with these guidelines, 因为坚持这些原则有助于为每个人带来积极而丰富的生活体验.


  • All animals, except for fish, are prohibited in residence halls. 这项禁令包括青蛙、海龟、壁虎和其他生活在水箱里的动物.
  • Possession of fish tanks over 10 gallons is prohibited.
  • No animals are allowed to “visit” residence halls at any time.
  • 禁止宠物进入宿舍不适用于需要使用服务或批准的辅助动物的残疾学生. 有服务动物或辅助动物的学生应该联系740学生无障碍服务中心.593.2620. 在批准程序完成之前,不得将辅助动物带入宿舍.
  • If an unauthorized animal or pet is found in the residence hall, in-hall staff will ask for the animal to be removed from the building. If the animal is not removed, 宿舍内的工作人员将联系环境健康与安全部门,帮助在宿舍外为动物找到一个地方.

Computer and Internet Usage

  • newbb电子平台在所有宿舍房间提供无线覆盖.
  • 学生安装的任何干扰newbb电子平台无线网络的无线设备,其网络端口将被禁用,设备的所有者将被要求移除该设备. 多次违规可能导致失去互联网权限和行为转介.
  • Items emitting a wireless signal (printers, game consoles, etc.) should have wireless broadcasting set to Off. If you experience issues using the wireless network in your room, please contact the Office of Information Technology at 740.593.1222.
  • 点对点(P2P)计划:newbb电子平台可能会限制在校园网上使用点对点(P2P)文件共享.g.bt). P2P软件只能用于合法共享非版权材料. 所有其他P2P软件的使用将导致网络特权的丧失. Unless you are certain that you are using the software legitimately, 在连接到newbb电子平台网络之前,从计算机中删除P2P软件是很重要的. 其中许多程序会在您不知情的情况下共享受版权保护的文件. 如果不删除这些程序,这些计算机将自动从网络中删除.




未能遵守newbb电子平台官员(包括住房和住宿生活工作人员)的合法指令, 执法, 或紧急救援人员在履行职责时,包括没有在被要求时表明身份, is a violation of the Student 行为准则.

For more information consult the 行为准则.



  • 纵火, activating a fire alarm without due cause, 或向大学或应急响应官员虚假报告火灾
  • 篡改、毁坏、损坏、掩盖或误用应急或安全设备(如.g.,烟雾/热探测器,微波安全传感器,灭火器,或洒水喷头). 向环境健康与安全办公室报告烟雾探测器或其他消防安全设备的任何可疑问题(740).593.1666) or to your Housing and 居住生活 staff.
  • Covering or disconnecting room smoke detectors for any reason. If this is found in a room, OUPD will be notified.
  • 在火灾警报或演习期间,未经学校或应急响应官员授权,未能撤离或重新进入建筑物.


居民必须在一天中的任何时候都把他们的噪音控制在一个可接受的、礼貌的水平. 不可接受的噪音水平被定义为“在宿舍或外部社区空间外可以听到的任何噪音”.这包括, but is not limited to yelling, 敲打墙壁, 窗户和地板, 放大声音, playing musical instruments, and bass from subwoofers. 噪音 that interferes with the study or sleep of others is prohibited. Failing to comply with quiet hours is prohibited.

Quiet hours are defined as: 10 p.m. 到10岁.m. Sunday-Thursday, 12 a.m. (午夜)至上午10点.m. Friday-Saturday, and 24 hours during the week of finals.

Gambling and Games of Chance

根据俄亥俄州法律, 当一个人花钱玩一种运气游戏(包括扑克)希望赢得奖品时, the game qualifies as illegal gambling, 除非赛事组织者符合特定标准并遵守俄亥俄州修订规则中的特定规则. 有关资料,请参阅大厦/综合大楼的RD/GRD/ARD.

For more information consult the 行为准则.


不正当的性行为, 滥用, 骚扰, 剥削, 恐吓, 跟踪, or coercion is prohibited.

For more information consult the 行为准则.


俄亥俄州 is a smoke and tobacco free campus. This policy encourages a green and clean environment, 让我们的学生为未来的无烟环境做好准备, 并且可以成为俄亥俄州支持重大健康倡议的骄傲之源.

Smoking and vaping of any kind, including e-香烟(e.g., 尤尔的说法), is prohibited in residence halls, 在入口通道, on South Green Catwalks, or within 25 feet of residential facilities.

The use of tobacco or smoking products is defined as, “所有的尼古丁, tobacco-derived or containing products, and plant- based products including, 但不限于, 香烟(e.g., 丁香, 比迪烟, 丁香口味), electronic cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, hookah-smoked products, and oral tobacco (spit and spit less, 无烟, 咀嚼, 鼻烟).”

无烟校园的物理位置被定义为设施, 财产, and grounds used to carry out the mission of the university. 这也将扩展到大学建筑和场地附近的人行道,以符合业主对人行道负责的城市政策. 禁止在校园内的私人车辆内吸烟和使用烟草.

For more information see the Tobacco-Free Initiative 网页.


  • 未经许可的机动车辆不得停放在指定的停车区域以外.
  • 禁止在居民区维修机动车.
  • 在未经许可的停车区内停放的机动车辆将被拖走,费用由车主承担.
  • 摩托车(包括轻便摩托车和踏板车)只允许在街上行驶. 他们不允许在住宅绿地,大学车库,或在宿舍. 他们必须在停车服务处登记,并停在指定的摩托车停车场.